First, an apology. A little girl has whispered in our ear that we should be sorry we dropped the ball, went home, and left this column lagging. She insists we resume. We think it is because she will have her own band someday and needs the coverage.
In any (guitar) case…
I asked my young friend what kind of band she’d like to see, if she could see any band. “Any band,” she replied. She hasn’t been able to spend much time in clubs, due to an unfortunate age-impairment.
You know how there are songs where, at the end, it changes to more of a rock sound, or soul? If there was a band that sang both rock music and soul or R&B or jazz, that would be the best band in the world.”
We think she’d like Bear Leader. Their saxophonist, Governor, is schooled in ‘20s jazz riffs, which he substitutes for the standard solo bits you hear in all those old doo-wop songs during the instrumental breaks. Frontpeople Duenna and Khoja bring a world-music feel to the lead vocals, while drummer The Prelector seems to have sprung from some heavy metal netherworld. Bassist “Chalk” Talker does the claw-funk thing, while rhythm guitarist Lec keeps a stable rock base.
We feel our young friend’s need. She wants a band that jumps around and has fun, but has studied and takes care with history. She has these concerns herself as she prepares to enter the sixth grade next week.
School is in session. Hit the books, and the drums.
Tonight at the Bullfinch: TeachersPayTeachers, NHTA, and a solo set by Abbie Cedarian… Hamilton’s has an early show with Crammer and Schoolmaster (formerly Dry Nurse)…. Dollaire’s features an evening with ‘80s college-rock reprobates Munshi, with opening act Corey Fuse….