Rock Gods #362: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

There’s an old blues song:
“I’m in love with
Wanna marry
wanna marry wanna
We don’t partake of sense-altering substancing other than loud bass parts. But there’s legalization noise in the community at the same time there’s marriage equality legislation. Ballots are being readied. So the blues community is rallying around both issues, and the above-mentioned drug song, with a “Wanna Marry Marathon” Saturday in the

They wanted to use a school auditorium or civic building but weren’t allowed to use one. They wanted to interest a lodge or society but could not. So they’ve taken their action to the alleyway behind Arthur’s Art Store on Main. It’s a comfy place, protected pretty well from the elements, with electricity provided by the store through an open stockroom window.
The back-alley atmosphere should provide an interesting angle for the event. A mock marriage is planned. So is a mock smoke-in.
It’s hard to know if folks will even find the event, let alone be swayed by it. But the blues community is adamant. They want to do their part.

There’s an old blues song:
“I love you baby but no more of that.”

Tonight: The Dumb Ox at the Bullfinch. Return of one of the religious farm bands… The Everlasting Man, short set at Hamilton’s… The Colored Lands at D’ollaire’s. Expect a protest…