Rock Gods #325: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

What’s up with Mountain Horizon? They change their name, change their style, change into new stage outfits, even grow beards… then drop all the changes and fade back into Mountain Horizon again.
“We had a pal who fancied herself a style consultant, like a personal dresser or something,” chuckle Charles Rimboflé, the band’s heavy-handed organist. “We’re still friends and everything, but she lost interest, and so did we.”
The brief transformation was not without its benefits, however. The band was able to sneak into a club that had previously banned them, and were so popular they’ve been asked back. Also, the outfits and grooming convinced the aunt of rhythm guitarist Pat Hülli that this was a professional combo worth investing in. The generous relative is sponsoring the first Mountain Horizon recording session. “We did tell her we’re not dressing up anymore, and she’s still cool with us. She liked the clothes, she didn’t like the beards. Said we could wear T-shirts as long as we shaved more often.” Rock the dress code!
Tonight: Look! Park had to cancel at the Bullfinch. Last-minute substitute unknown… Wax Fun, What, Lee? and Feed & Seed at Hamilton’s, all doing pretty much the same covers… An Evening With Coolly Dickenson (The “Don’t Call Me a Scumbucket!” comeback tour) at D’ollaire’s…