Rock Gods #121: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

We’re like red mulch. We were all sharp and shiny, and we just got ground into dirt.”

That’s an assessment of the music industry by Russ Itch (ne Itzkawicz), who’s named his new purposely non mainstream project Red Mulch as a result.

He’s planning to keep the music fresh and red- hot and untrammeled this time.

“No studio tricks. No overdubs. No session musicians. No extra producers. No nothin’,” he swears.

Oh. Also no guitars, drums or bass. Piano is where it’ s at. Prepared piano with little woodchips under some odd the wires to enhance the lower notes and add a clippiness to the upper range. You can hear the results on a four track tape available at Red Mulch’s next gig, Wednesday at the Bullfinch.

Comparatively naïve bands which wouldn’t mind being signed at pervade the scene tonight: The Norm Law, Denby Quits and Wiener Dog at the Bullfinch… Shelly’s Old Flame, The Hopeless Cause and Versus the Kid at Hamilton’… and at least one band that’s “made it,” The Denbys, at D’ollaires with up-and-comers (or down-and-goers) Crush on You…