Rock Gods #118: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

The Blats came back the very next week, and did that some new pronoun-flouting song of theirs again. Having played it once with the sole lyric “I,” then again as “We,” this time it came out:


He He

He He He

He He He He

Which sounded like an explosion of giggles from singer Sonny Blitt, and led to similar mirth in the crowd.

But wait. There was more. A few songs later, Blitt improvised a second-long intro—“we wanted to be fair to the ladies” and blew into, you guessed it:

She She

She She She

She She She She

A weaker lyric than any of the previous ones, since only “She” and “chi-chi” really pun into anything comprehensible. But at this point, we knew Sonny was really just laughing at us, even if neither knew what the joke was. He ended the punk rave-up with a long drawn-out Sheeeeeeeeeeeeee, then segued immediately into a whole other song, which started with the word “It.” Sounded like a Southern rocker dropping his chaw. And he said it while looking directly at us.

We think we owe Sonny something for this little exercise. He’s shown us how we overanalyze other people who may just be having fun. On the other hand, how do we know he didn’t have something trenchant in mind all along? Then we maybe didn’t analyze enough.

In any case, we feel eyed, wee (as in small), HEaped scorn upon and even you-sed, even though Sonny never got to that particular pronoun. But do we feel like Sheeeee-it? Not exactly. We’ve really come to enjoy that little tune. Hope The Blats record it sometime.

Only gig of note tonite: The Somatics, The Logicals, The Rapy and Anal Why Sis at the only place which would have them all, the beloved Bullfinch. Boycott the other joints, even if the beer’s cheaper.