Rock Gods #79: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

We hate that word “cult.” One person’s fanatical coven of obscure demon worshippers is another person’s opening band on College Nite at Hamilton’s. So we avoided the c-word completely when describing The Shaking Quakers—rafters-rocking farmhouse band of the Meach family—last week in this space.
Other people can’t seem to use any other word to describe the SQs, including a few folks who sent incensed letters. “Crazed cult,” they say. “Dangerous cult-like activity.” There. We’ve just revived the Fairness Doctrine and presented opposing views.
“Cult-cult-cataaw!!!,” as one of the Meaches’ chickens might say. We attended about seven hours of the weekend house party at the farmstead, along with dozens of other noisemongers. Yes, it was different—drinking and debauchery were discouraged, and people did yoga exercises before entering the mosh pit. The opposite of a typical night at Hamilton’s, where the kids are hopped up before they’ve even entered the club and would rather fight than just about anything else. We’ve never been to another show remotely like it: When Silver Cup’s “Vision Song” got to the bit about “Go On Dear Children,” an impromptu march began around the fields…

Feminist Studies disco scholar Frieda Bettany is back from break and appears to have sewn up a late afternoon gig for his rump-shaking thesis project The Other Foot: Dance Dance Epistemology” two Saturdays from now at D’ollaire’s. This is where she did a lot of her research. The show will thus be held just hours before one of the actual social dance extravaganza it holds a mirror ball up to…

They’ve slipped us the sure things on the so-call open mic list for the Bullfinch tonight: Uncle Gruesome, Leroy L. Leroy, Leonard and Lola, Drawing with John Magee, Leena Queen and Crossed Skillets. Plus surprise demented German guests…. Hamilton’s has the fun-loving, if mainstream-leaning, On the Corner and Good Look… a rare delight at D’ollaire’s—the quirky, listen-in-close Eugene and the Sunday Color Carnival, who you’ll recall packed ’em in at the Bullfinch just two years ago…