For Our Connecticut Readers: Bin good for us

How about those new trash bins? I see them as a Christmas gift from City Hall, demonstrating how seriously New Haven takes the new recycling standards.
I love the scheme they’ve chosen: turn the old big blue bins into the recycling bins, because they’re already blue, and use the new smaller black bins for trash. The size difference between the two bins forces you to consider whether you’re recycling as much of your trash as you could be.
There’s also the grand and glorious feeling of just tossing bottles and bits of paper freely into a big bin rather than sorting them into different piles, sticking papers in paper bags, and making them all fit into a square container. Mabel & Sally and I have begun a new fun Trash Day tradition of dancing around the blue bin tossing wastebaskets full of wastepaper in.
The City takes a lot of crap from some of its residents. Here’s an example of how well it takes that crap. Give New Haven a year-end huzzah for how smoothly they tend to handle trash pick-ups, at least in my neighborhood.