Rock Gods #228: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

Do you realize how many bands think it’s cool to take their promo photo out standing in a field? Like, one in three. And how many do you think like to use the railroad strain as a backdrop? Nearly as many.
That’s why cat vomit got our attention. They don’t have photos of themselves, of any kind. But they’re playing a gig Friday in a field they found on a deserted rail track just within the city limits.
Turns out the land is managed by a private developer happy to rent it for a day as a social experiment, and who has already been inspired to try rounding up some potential festivals.
So it’s only a matter of time before ethnic folkdancing overwhelms this quaint rock field. Toss the pebbles while ye may. This land is still our land for the nonce.

Track Field Festival Number One features Mattie B. Sack and Kuttomquosh, Stooping Bush, The Beldens, West Crib and Ghost Mother in Law. No other shows worth mentioning. This one is outstanding in its field.