Rock Gods #221: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

When Sig Flenck of Horse’s Nerves realized he was the only one in the band who didn’t wear glasses, he went out and bought a pair at a vintage shop. His bandmates could have taken this a number of different ways, but they chose to take it in the spirit of unity which Sig intended.

At Thursday’s Bullfinch show, Sig’s fell off and got stepped on. Whereupon bassist Phil Jasmina doffed his own (tinted) lenses and made an elaborate show of smashing them underfoot.

Singer Jilly gasped “Ay!”, as in “Caramba!” Somebody in the band caught the pun and started chanting “Eye! Eye! Eye!,” pointing and shouting. It was a like a cover version of one of Sonny Blitt’s pronoun songs from a few weeks back. Horse’s Nerves can really play—Sig and Jilly were in a Mexican restaurant jazz houseband together–so the whole thing sounded rehearsed. But as far as we can see, it wasn’t. And as far as we can see, Phil can’t see without his glasses.

Myrt & Marge and The Court of Human Relations at the Bullfinch, singing backup on each other’s sweeter tunes… Those Websters and Pete Kelly’s Blues Band at Hamilton’s, rehashing every song you never wanted to hear again after college… An Evening With Do You Miss Brooks at D’ollaire’s, with hastily booked local opener Novak for Hire. Somebody in the headlining band had a falling out with their girlfriend and she lost the gig…