HERE, pastpresentfuture. Great thing to stumble across at 1 in the morning. Hearkens back to the days of truly experimental prog rock, and all the more interesting for being primarily concocted by a duo—twin brothers at that. HERE originally hails from Connecticut, but I’m sure I never saw them live. They play The Space in Hamden on Oct 1, a great opportunity to see how they can pull off intricate songs like these. “the running, climbing, swimming, flying” is a staggering style collage encompassing all the activities of its title, unified by tireless drums and guitars.
The Space show will feature the brothers Mims—Dan Mims and Matt Mims, now ensconced in Brooklyn—plus special guest bassist Ari Sadowitz of New Haven’s own The Smyrk (for whom he played guitar). Three current Connecticut acts fill out the bill: Bread Pilot and Reaching Moon (both from Southbury) and Oculesics (from West Haven), plus Chasing Suns from Cape Cod, Mass.