Rock Gods #182: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

Say a prayer—or rather , curse an oath—for the band we’ve known all these months as the Rock Pirates, or equally piratical (and pirated) variations thereof. That name, perfect for their buccaneering, show-stealing manner, had been taken ten times over by other bands. Some of those priar Rock Pirates were more

So, long gangplank short, our local RP went as long as they could without a name to their names. They became known for unannounced, hit-and-run shows. They went on tour (and sent us a postcard) with the same anonymity. But now they have an album due and have to ante up with a monicker.


We know, we know. We tried to talk them out of it ourself.

Luckily they haven’t changed their songs, attitude or talent. The, um, Acrobats of Etiquette album-release bash is still weeks away, so we all have time to mull this over and readjust how we once thought this was a band with all good ideas.

Better-named bands on the horizon: Ride On to Die and The Bacchus Dykes at the Bullfinch… Wondering Eyes, Power & Reign and Squadrons of the Sky (the middle band made of members of the other two) at Hamilton’s… Meek Head and Last & Fiercest Foe at D’ollaire’s—which, if they keep booking bills like this and offering beer specials besides, we might have to stop mocking for a while…