Rock Gods #172: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

The Binks are back. What, you didn’t know theyd been away? Yep, six months, starving frayed and crowded in a two-room apartment in a city that will not be named here because it does not deserve to be.
“We thought that’s what you did when you wanted to make it—leave.,” assesses Charlie Crown, the band’s percussionist/saxophonist. “But we really didn’t have anywhere to go, and no saving.” Which would be the other considerations in “making it.”
Well, welcome back, prodigal band. (Grand return concert Friday at Hamilton’s, with Th’ Wolfe and Der Lust.) If you make it anywhere, why not make it here?

Seasonal pop with Assinippi, The Pembrokes, Tinkertown and The White Island Shores at The Bullfinch… Tropical worldbeat potsmoking pop at Hamilton’s with E. Marion, Independence Gable and Pasque Isle… D’ollaire’s pretends the college kids are still in town by booking Long Plain, The Brocktons and Cuttyhunk. Who’ll go see that?…