Rock Gods #15: Adventures in Our Little Music Scene

Smallest stage ever!

Last night the finch had some kind of college sorority fundraiser. Yes, there are still college sororities, though apparently shone of them haven’t been able to hold onto their sorority houses so they have to hold their suave fundraising functions at places like the Bullfinch.

Yet they’re still thinking old school, and wide open ballroom spaces. The party, to which we were not invited but stumbled upon when an “interview” in the Bullfinch basement ran a few drinks overlong, featured:

• A table of volunteers filling out nametags.

• Three tables filled with items for a silent auction.

• A couple tables reserved for wealthy alumnae in case any happened to show up.

• A merch table for those who read Greek (or at least three particular letters of Greek).

How many tables does the Bullfinch have, anyway? Seems like more when you’re crashing into a couple, but the correct answer is seven. So this shindig was standing room only from the get-go.

Oh, and did we mention the R&B band? Well, that’ s what the club’s corner stage is supposed to for, though it wasn’t really built for swinging septets. Yep, seven on a stage where folk duos often awkwardly elbow each other.

And then there was the matter of the podium. The lovely ladies of Gumma Felta Cramma or whatever (it’s all Greek to us) had speeches to make, and needed the speechmakers to be seen. (They get their hair done specially for these things, you know). S0 they stuck their pedestal right in front of the band, which we can only hope was getting added combat pay for the number of jabbing elbows it had to dodge (on top of continually ducking each other’s instruments).

A real stateroom scene, to be sure. And unlikely to be repeated. Enough alumni are already complaining that the university will be designating a banquet hall on campus for future gatherings, and perhaps building a whole new building if the complaints turn into cash contributions.

Pity. Those sisters really showed the Finch that all those shoulder-to-shoulder shows of years past were actually roomy. New boundaries, people—fill it up!

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Tonight at the Bullfinch: The Chetniks and The Fall of the City … Big local Europop/punk festival of sorts at Campbell’s Saturday from 4-8 p.m., clearing out before the dance party: The Bishop, The Trial, Cosette, The Grave and The Barricade. It’s a CD release for The Bishop’s Between Americans, which is getting national distro on the Gulf Screen label …