Arts & Ideas
Arts in Advance: The International Festival of Arts &Ideas names three for 2013
The International Festival of Arts & Ideas announced three of the “cornerstone” events of its 2013 season today. A&I has been intriguingly inconsistent over the years in how it ballyhoos its big events. This year, apparently, they’re going with press-release teasers. This one quotes the festival’s Executive Director Mary Lou Aleskie as saying “We are … Continue reading
Arts & Ideas & Times
Always canny at making its presence felt year-round and not just for two weeks in June, the International Festival of Arts & Ideas has announced its second annual “Visionary Leadership Award” recipient. It’s New York Times Executive Editrix Jill Abramson, first female to hold that post in the Old Gray Lady’s history. The ceremony is … Continue reading
The Soldier Songs Review
PROMO VIDEO FOR DAVID T. LITTLE’S SOLDIER SONGS The songs, I like. The soldier part I’m still wrestling with. Since both shows have classical elements and war themes, it’s hard not to compare David T. Little’s Soldier Songs (which I saw in its final Arts & Ideas performance, 5 p.m. June 25) with Bill T. … Continue reading
The Serenade/The Proposition Review
PROMO VIDEO PRODUCED BY THE BILL T. JONES/ARNIE ZANE DANCE COMPANY Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson this ain’t. Bill T. Jones’ 2008 choreographic musing on the Civil War puts an emphasis on civility. Confrontation is not the choreographic goal here. Dancers slide past and around each other. They fuse and release. Communities are formed, then torn … Continue reading
Arnott Arts & Ideas Mea Culpa
At Engine28 there was a “confessional” room, a video set-up where we could rant and argue and otherwise unload. Here’s one I never pushed to put on that website since there was a backlog of video projects. It actually works better here.
Edges and Ideats
New Haven’s International Festival of Arts & Ideas tried in vain for years to create an Edinburgh-esque “fringe” festival to surround it. Turns out you can’t just manufacture these things. But two fests which were in a sense inspired by A&I have endured. One is the Audubon Arts on the Edge festival, as old as … Continue reading
The International Festival of Apps & IPhones
Had fun last night fooling around with the brand new app fashioned for New Haven’s impending 2011 International Festival of Arts & Ideas. Like the fest itself, it’s classy and community-oriented at the same time. The app (available as a free download for both iPhone and Droid) offers frequent friendly postings counting down the days … Continue reading
Chautauqua! soldiers on
Chautauqua!, the National Theater of the United States of America’s postmodern recreation of oratory spectators of the late 1800s and early 1900s, continues to tear up the provinces after premiering in New York over a year ago. Touring the show would seem tricky, since entire tracts of it need to be rewritten in order to … Continue reading