Starting with their season-opening production of Romeo & Juliet on the Bayou, Hole in the Wall Theater in New Britain has changed the generous “donation only” policy instituted at the theater’s birth in the early 1970s.
An explanation can be found on the Hole in the Wall website, here.
But isn’t it already obvious? The place has financial obligations. Here’s how they’ve cleverly solved their dilemma and maintained their charitable nature: two free performances during the run of each show. No reservations will be accepted for these performances, which will always be on the second Friday evenings and the second Sunday matinees, but the seats will be free.
As for the ticket prices, they’re comparable to what the “suggested donations” have been for a while now, and in keeping with what other community theaters (which DON’T schedule free perfs) regularly charge: $20, $12 for students & seniors. Musicals run a touch more: $25, $18 students/seniors.
Wise move. It’d be a pity to lose a theater of such longstanding as Hole in the Wall, over something as petty as bargain-hunting attendees.
Romeo and Juliet on the Bayou, a swampy conception of Shakespeare directed by John Peifer, opened last week and runs through Oct. 15, so its remaining free show should be Oct. 2 at 2 p.m. Next up is Jacque LaMarre Has Gone Too Far, Nov. 18-Dec. 10.